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【bhb886 ceneo】What I witnessed at the FBI will be the agency’s Waterloo
发布日期:2024-09-20 21:07:14
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Ron DeSantis says FBI, DOJ 'weaponized' against political opponents

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) responds to the latest federal charges facing former President Trump. NEWYou can now listen to Fox News articles!

Americans are losing trust and confidence in the FBI and this directly impacts national security. A staggering 63 percent view the bureau negatively -- and the reasons are hidden in plain sight. Over the past few years, valid criticisms have been leveled at the partisan decision-making within upper echelons of FBI leadership. Dating back to the 2016 Trump-Russia sham investigation, heavy-handed over-charging of Trump campaign surrogates, blatantly uneven treatment of right-wing and left-wing protesters and rioters, labeling angry parents speaking out at school board meetings as "domestic terror" concerns, aiding Big Tech’s 2020 election suppression of information, seeming disinterest in Hunter Biden laptop revelations and Biden family’s obvious influence-peddling schemes, and a laughably absurd Richmond division intelligence product warning of "radical-traditionalist Catholics," the FBI has raised eyebrows.

【bhb886 ceneo】What I witnessed at the FBI will be the agency’s Waterloo


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